
Iron harvest mods
Iron harvest mods

iron harvest mods

An astute observer will note that many of the mention units fall under the category of late-game units. In some circumstances, the long-range battery fire of the Erlkoenig is a sight to behold, causing losses from long distance, and while not a backbone, certainly an able contraption to include with a formation.

iron harvest mods

Better suited to Brunhilde being deployed, such strategies often consist of a group of two Kaisers, a Wotan or Stiefmutter, a Grimbart, and if needed, a field cannon. The so-called Great Wall of Saxony, where the slow, crushing advance of mechs is equal to its almost-impenetrable defenses. All strategies should have a final goal in mind. This is similar to the Crown Prince, excepting that he is less useful in general, but capable of good effect in early-game mech fights. Another possible deployment group would be if one deployed Gunter, though this uses more infantry-based early aggression, which your forces can do, but are not fully equipped to handle. However, this requires victory in early game fights, so often, it will be wise to deploy a barracks first, then move into the Workshop afterwards. As a commander, much effort should be given to deploying your reserve forces, often the second wave of units, if staffed by Saxony's iron wall, can be the death knell to an opponent. Groups of Saxons when their battle cry is active, and they are in cover, are more than capable of obliterating swathes of infantry with precise fire. Unlike others, however, Stormtroopers ramp up extremely well when they have gained sufficient battlefield experience. Do keep in mind, however, the mainline infantry, the sub machine gun-wielding Stormtrooper, is subpar, at least initially, though it is always wise to use them for both battle and capturing points. So being, a good Saxon general should rely not on one unit type, nor just on mechs, but on a combined arms approach to war, utilizing the industry and loyal, experienced manpower as best possible. To achieve such feats, however, much of Saxony's equipment is slow, and often cannot respond to threats of a mass flank. The Empire's tactics are both complex and simple, built around the philosophy of overwhelming firepower, and defensive bulwark above all. Their mechs have intricate, well-engineered (if not complicated) designs with a very "steampunk" aesthetic while their buildings are even more so, covered in sheet metal and pipes. Their military doctrine typically revolves around armor and firepower superiority, slowly but surely pounding their way to the objective or having a strong defense. In Iron Harvest's continuity, during the course of the Saxon campaign Kaiser Friedrich is assassinated and his son takes the throne. The current leader of the nation is Kaiser Friedrich, his heir to the throne is his son Prince Wilhelm.

iron harvest mods

The current capital of Saxony is the city of Dresden. The Empire of Saxony's current form of government is a federal parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy.

Iron harvest mods